Identifying interactions between factors related to pedestrian fatalities occurred at the scene of traffic accidents
Reference Number: SSTCAC22036
Research Field: Modelling in Biostatistic

Research Content:
Traffic accidents are one of the major public health problems in the world and about 1.35 million people die annually due to traffic accidents. Numerous factors, including humans, the environment, and the vehicle, can play a role in the occurrence or severity of a traffic accident. Not only do these factors have their own main effect on the occurrence of an accident, but there can be interacted with each other, and certain combinations of these factors increase the chances of an accident occurring or its severity.
According to the above, it is very important to identify the interactions in the factors affecting the severity of the injury or the occurrence of the accident. For example, suppose the lighting condition is an important factor in the occurrence of an accident or the severity of a driving injury. On the other hand, weather conditions are one of the factors influencing the occurrence of accidents or the severity of injuries, each of these factors alone has an effect on the occurrence of an accident or the severity of the accident. The simultaneous occurrence of these risk factors besides their main effects has an effect called interaction, which leads to the synergy of these risks. Therefore, identifying these interactions in traffic accidents and performing appropriate interventions on an optimal factor can disrupt this cycle and reduce the fatal accidents risk ratio significantly.
Therefore, this study aims to use the “logic regression” method, as the new method for interaction identification based on the Anealling search algorithm, and also to identify the effects of the interaction between factors on the death at the accident scene for pedestrians according to the data from three northwestern provinces of Iran.
Research Progress:
- Data has been gathered from the police registry center
- in the data analysis stage
Cooperation Needs:
-Funding for research for this project
-Some expert help in the discussion section of the paper
The project will help us understand the interactions between factors related to the death of pedestrians in traffic accidents. Which combinations of related risk factors cause to increase in the mortality rate of pedestrians in traffic accidents? The response of this question can get us new knowledge about traffic accident mechanism.